Add personal access token to existing GitHub Repo

I was adding a GitHub workflow to a template project recently and hit on this error:

(refusing to allow an OAuth App to create or update workflow `.github/workflows/node.js.yml` without `workflow` scope)

Basically not allowed to do what I wanted with just username and password level credentials. After a bit of faffing this process worked:

1. Go to Settings > Developer Settings > Personal access tokens in GitHub's account level settings and generate a new token. Give it the permissions you require (in my case I had to add Workflow as well as Repo)

2. Go to the root of your project and execute git remote -v to see your current remote origin.

3. Now remove it with git remote rm origin and re-run git remote -v to check it's gone.

4. Now add your new remote in the following format git remote add origin https://[USERNAME]:[PERSONAL_ACCESS_TOKEN][USERNAME/ORGANIZATION]/[REPONAME].git.

5. Re-run git remote -v to check it's added.

6. You will need to re-add the origin in your next push git push -u origin [BRANCH_NAME] but this time it will pass.


You may need to reset your main upstream branch git branch --set-upstream-to=origin/master master