Google Firestore doesn’t support OR queries so you have to run two queries and then combine them. This proved a little tricker than I had anticipated as I needed the output of another observable fed into both of them (the usersId).
The solution sets up two observable chains (that are disappointingly similar – refactor required!) and then uses combineLatest and then a simple map to get the outputs into one array.
getCombinedArrays(): Observable {
const obs1 = from(this.afAuth.currentUser.then(user => {
return user.uid;
userid => {
return this.db.collection('friendships', ref => ref.where('field1', '==', userid)).snapshotChanges().pipe(map(actions => {
//returns customClass array after some Firebase faff
const obs2 = from(this.afAuth.currentUser.then(user => {
return user.uid;
userid => {
return this.db.collection('friendships', ref => ref.where('field2', '==', userid)).snapshotChanges().pipe(map(actions => {
//returns customClass array after some Firebase faff
return combineLatest([obs1, obs2]).pipe(
map(([results1, results2]) => {
const combinedResults = [...results1, ...results2];
return combinedResults;